Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My DIY kitchen curtains

Ok so I recently got into sewing within this last year. Tip one of saving money, instead of extreme black friday traffic go at 2am for things you know will still be available like me, thats when I got my sewing machine.  Really how many ppl do you really think fights those crowds for a sewing machine?  Anyways, I have made quite a few things already (napkins, unpaper towels, grocery bag holder, fabric boxes, oven mitts, and pot holders to name a few).  My latest project was kitchen curtains.  I didn't follow a tutorial just kind of winged it.  Since I started this blog after making it I have no during pics of creating them. Next sewing project for sure will have a tutorial.  I may not be the best seamstress but hey if it works and accomplishes its goals I'm ok with that.     That being said, yes my curtains are crooked. I can't sew straight every time haha.
  I will however show my process of making the tie backs for them.   Need to go to the store for that.

First Blog about me!

My first blog!

  I'm not too sure how to start this out but I guess I will give it a try.  Props to my sister Carrie for telling me to do it.  I guess my goal for this blog is to talk about my daily life along with giving hints and tips from everything from DIY, cleaning, style, saving money, and whatever else comes my way. 

So a little about myself.....
 Name's Autumn born on the first day of Autumn hence the name.  I'm 27 and been married for 5 and half years to my husband Matt.  We have a 16 month old together named Alina.  Matt is a firefighter and I am currently a stay at home mother in Pennsylvania.  Our past includes living in North Dakota and Florida (one weather extreme to another).  Matt was active duty in the Air Force but now is in the reserves.   Before married life I was going to school to be a Registered Nurse, the military moving life made it hard to finish the degree in one place so the priority of children took over.  So here I am, staying at home trying to be the best wife and mother I can be.

So there you have it, short and sweet (like me I'm 4'11'') story to get me started.

Most recent pic I can find of use three.